C++ Language

C++ Language Online Courses | Aii Computer Education Institute

The C++ language course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of programming concepts using the C++ programming language. Participants learn about the syntax, data types, control structures, functions, classes, and object-oriented programming principles in C++ language. The course covers topics such as memory management, pointers, file handling, exception handling, and templates. Participants also gain practical experience through hands-on coding exercises, projects, and assignments that help reinforce their learning and problem-solving skills. Advanced topics like multithreading, standard template library (STL), and graphics programming may also be included depending on the course level. By the end of the course, students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to develop efficient and robust software applications using C++ language.

Duration - 2 Months

Evolution of C++

Key Features and Advantages

Comparison with Other Programming Languages

Installing a C++ Compiler (GCC, Clang, etc.)

Setting Up an IDE (Code::Blocks, Visual Studio, etc.)

Writing and Running a Simple C++ Program

Structure of a C++ Program

Comments and Documentation

Data Types and Variables

Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators

Logical Operators

Bitwise Operators

Operator Precedence and Associativity


If-Else Statements

Switch Case Statements

For Loop

While Loop

Do-While Loop

Nested Loops

Defining and Calling Functions

Function Parameters and Return Values

Scope and Lifetime of Variables

Function Overloading

Inline Functions

Recursive Functions

Declaration and Initialization

Accessing and Modifying Elements

Multidimensional Arrays

String Basics

String Functions and Manipulation

C-Style Strings vs. C++ String Class

Introduction to Pointers

Pointer Arithmetic

Pointers and Arrays

Pointers to Pointers

Reference Variables

Passing Parameters by Reference

References vs. Pointers

Dynamic Memory Allocation (new and delete)

Allocating Arrays Dynamically

Handling Memory Leaks

Defining Classes and Creating Objects

Member Variables and Member Functions

Constructors and Destructors



Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Operator Overloading

File Streams (ifstream, ofstream, fstream)

Reading from and Writing to Files

File Modes and Operations

Overview of STL Components

Containers (Vectors, Lists, Stacks, Queues)


Algorithms (Sorting, Searching)

Introduction to Exceptions

Try, Catch, and Throw Statements

Creating Custom Exceptions

Function Templates

Class Templates


Introduction to Multithreading

Creating and Managing Threads


Console-based Projects

GUI-based Projects (optional)

Programming Exercises on Each Module

Problem Solving and Debugging

Fees - ₹ 3000

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